Category Archives: Ukraine 2012

Ukraine 2012

I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to present my Ukraine 2012 travelogue.  I did blog posts last year (and if you click on the Ukraine 2011 link above, you can read them), but this year I didn’t take notes the same way, so I don’t really have a bloggy, day-by-day report to make.

So, instead of blog posts, I’ve done static pages on assorted topics.  {Edit, April 2022: I’ve now changed these into blog posts, but they are still about assorted topics instead of a day-by-day format.] For the most part the information is about what I saw or experienced on this trip… but I couldn’t help comparing and contrasting this trip to some of my experiences from last year.  I even had a couple files from last year’s trip that never got posted, and since the information was still relevant, I incorporated that into this year’s report.

Just so you know, the information isn’t completely chronological.  Also, although I tried to stick to one topic per page, things do get a little intertwined.  I’ve tried not to make it all too confusing, but given that my brain is often confused anyway, I may not have always succeeded.  If you have questions, you know where to find me.

That said, here are the links, and I hope you like what you read.

There And Back Again
Come Fly With Me
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
To Live and Dine in Mariupol
The Wheels on the Bus go ‘Round and ‘Round
The View From 144 Feet
Ukraine on 20 Words a Day

If you’re the visual sort and just want to see the pictures, here you go.

Mariupol Pictures
Berdyansk Pictures