Picture time! (Part Four)

Sorry to have so many picture posts, but given how the gallery plugin works, I had to break things up a bit.  Don’t worry, we’re almost done.  (I did mention there were 600 pictures, right?)

This was my wife’s solo excursion to Abu Dhabi. I’ve tried to faithfully relate what she told me about it, but I know she wasn’t overly impressed. But she did get some good pictures, and from them I kind of wish I’d been along for part of it.  If that had been possible — and it was all narrated in Russian — I’m sure I would have gone.  (Even so, it was nice to have a free day and get caught up on all my blogging.)
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No worries — there are more beach pictures. I’m still not a sun-guy and I still think beaches have way too much sand, but of the ones we visited, the beach at Al Mamzar was probably the best.  It was out of the way, so probably had more local than tourists.
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