Pictures 6: Waves & Rails

Again I must apologize for how long it is taking me to get these pictures up. I think I have them all sorted (next time I should use separate memory cards for each day) and most of them are resized and ready to be uploaded. I still have to tweak a couple in Photoshop, but I’m down to just a handful now.

The set for this day (which was, I think, my third day — I’m starting to lose track) I’m calling “Waves & Rails.” The big outing this day was over to the Hydropark — which, you may recall, I wasn’t totally thrilled with. But, it was right on the river, and so we spent a couple hours there. I learned a couple card games — that was quite the learning experience, but I think I got it in the end — splashed around in the water a bit, and had a pretty nice time.

Then there was a little more subway riding — you can probably drive to the Hydropark, but since there’s a Metro stop right there, why bother? — a visit to the Golden Gate monument — which, sadly, was closing for the day — and then a walk back to the apartment. All told, a very nice day.

The “Rails” part of my title for the day wasn’t just because we were riding the subway, but also because I started taking pictures of the stations. I didn’t get them all, but I tried to grab a few interesting pictures here and there. (It would take me another trip or two to get interesting photos of all the stations — assuming that there’s something interesting to see at each station.)

Waves & Rails