Picture time! (Part One)

My wife and I both had cameras, at least for part of the trip.  Hers died a couple days in, and we were sharing mine for about half the week.  Between the two of us, we took 665 photos, plus one video — about 2 gigabytes of imagery.  So it’s been a real challenge to sort them all, put them in some order, resize them, then upload and label them — all while trying to rebuild the computer I use for this sort of thing.  (I just don’t have all the same and/or right tools on my Mac or netbook.)  Waay too much fun.

But I think I’ve got things all set, so here we go.  I’ve got things grouped into the major parts of the trip, and put them more or less chronologically.  Where appropriate, I’ve provided links back to the posts of the day/event, but there are more specific comments on the images themselves.

(FYI, use the Esc key to get out of the larger image view.  Sorry it’s not more obvious, but I didn’t write this image plugin.)

Since we gotta start somewhere, here are a couple shots from the airport on our way out of the country. (There’s also one of our return; I didn’t want to leave it orphaned.) my wife’s desire to photo-document every aspect of our trip had not yet kicked into full gear, or else you would be looking at dozens of pictures of Zhulyany airport.
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The hotel photos are next, since that’s where we ended up after getting off the plane. I’ve put all the hotel pictures together, even though they were taken at various times during the week. There were/are definitely ritzier hotels in Dubai, but as I posted, this place is pretty smart in having a deal with a Russian tour company. Based on the fluctuating room prices on the outdoor sign and the number of people in the lobby at any time, I think they were almost always full.
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 Our first real outing in Dubai was to Dubai Mall and Dubai Fountain.  Fortunately, one overlooks the other — you can guess the order — and we had some good seats to watch the waterworks while we ate dinner.  You can read more here, but be sure to flip through the photos and check out the captions for additional information and comments.
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