Sad anniversary

I haven’t been posting very much lately, largely because there’s little news out of Mariupol to share, but I can’t let this important anniversary go by unnoticed. It was three years ago today (February 22) that Russia invaded Ukraine. Well, invaded Ukraine again, since they’d actually done so earlier in 2014. But three years ago was the start of the “hot war.” And since there’s no chance things are ending today, it’s also the first day of the fourth year of the war.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Ukraine has been amazing. Utterly awesome. Their military was somewhat iffy in 2014, and if Russia had done it’s “hot war” invasion then, there probably wouldn’t be a Ukraine today. After the Maidan Revolution and the Russian invasions of Crimea and Donbas, Ukraine slowly built up their military capability. I’m sure they weren’t fully expecting what happened, but they were in a better place to deal with it when it did.

Russian media was famously boasting how they’d take Kyiv in three days — I don’t think Putin ever said it himself, though he might have been thinking it. This after weeks of lying about the forces amassing on Ukraine’s borders (“Just training exercises, nothing to see here!”). There were stories about Russian soldiers and officers packing in their dress uniforms for the military parades they’d be having down Khreshchatyk Boulevard once the cowed Ukrainians surrendered. But Ukraine foiled those expectations, often with dramatic effect, though not without some dramatic losses in the process, including the world’s largest transport aircraft.

Since then, much of the world has stepped up to help Ukraine, and have been witness to the barbaric actions of the Russian invaders (and, probably, some of the home-grown terrorists they shanghaied from the occupied territories). The Ukrainians have proven resourceful and innovative, largely fighting the Russians to a standstill, and even capturing a portion of Russia itself. (I love the stories that come out of Kursk, where the residents actually prefer being “occupied” by the Ukrainians than “free” with the Russians. Probably has something to do with Russia shelling their own people and ransacking the homes of their citizens.)

Russian, attacking a neighboring country from a position of apparent military superiority, has failed in their objectives and has gone on to commit war crimes on a near daily basis — Bucha, Mariupol, Lyman and elsewhere. (It should be noted that this is not because of their failed invasion; this is just how they operate.) Ukraine, on the other hand, has not only defended itself capably, it had done so without stooping to the same barbarism of their attackers. Russia has repeated targeted Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure — schools, shopping centers, hospitals, apartment blocks, etc. Russia largely targets Ukrainians, trying to cause them pain and demoralize them. Ukraine has repeatedly only targeted military and economic infrastructure: military bases and compounds, weapons manufacturing and supporting facilities, oil production, etc. The number of Ukrainian citizens kills by Russians numbers in the thousands, but Russian citizens killed by Ukrainians is likely measured in dozens — and none of those losses were from being directly targeted.

I’m sure there are Ukrainians that would love to see their military bring the pain to the Russian people — abstractly — by sending a missile or drone wave against a city proper. I don’t see that happening. I won’t say it’s not in their nature, but having been in Ukraine for an extended period of time last year — as well as from my travels there beforehand — I know that they are a kind and generous people. Perhaps have been fought over for centuries has made them not only resilient but also empathetic to others. Despite this kind aspect to their nature, they are not at all unwilling to fight and don’t suffer tyrants lightly. (It could be argued that kicking out their Putin-controlled president back in 2013-2014 was the start of all this.)

Unfortunately, year four of the war is already starting off with a bleak note. The elected and/or appointed government of the US is aligning themselves with Russian rather than with Ukraine, as had been the case for the previous years. Aid and weapons are being slowed or halted, and the extortion/quid pro quo exercised in the 45th presidential administration is back with a vengeance. Europe is with and supporting Ukraine, but with the US potentially out of the picture, tangible support will immediately drop by 50%. It will make things much harder.

I still believe in Ukraine, and I strongly hope that the day they are whole again will come soon. I want Viktoria to again return to the city of her birth in the country of her birth. I want the family and friends I know, and I the good people I’ve passed on the streets during my visits there to live out their lives without wondering if they will wake up again or when the next air raid alert will sound. Yes, there is a part of me that also wants to see Putin and Russia suffer for their actions, as well as all in the US and elsewhere that supported them, but maybe that can be tempered somewhat when my wife can visit her mother’s and her sister’s graves for the first time, when she is able to hug her grandson and nephew again, when she is able to laugh with her friends over coffee.

It’s been three years; that’s more than enough.

1000 Days, and the worst reality

It’s been a long time since I posted, and that’s not because there hasn’t been anything going on. As I’d noted long ago, most of my posts are meant to be about Mariupol and the family and friends impacted by what happened there. That’s partly why, even when I was in Ukraine earlier this year, I didn’t do many posts about my time there. But sometimes there are events that warrant a few words, even if they aren’t directly about Mariupol, family or friends.

While I generally stopped marking day counts some time ago, there’s definitely something “impressive” about noting that this war has now lasted 1000 days. One thousand, or as one pundit noted, the 1000th day of Putin’s 3-day war. And here’s another number to note: it’s less than 100 days until the 3 year mark of the war. Of course, if you go back to when Russian forces first invaded a sovereign country, this conflict has been going on for over 10 years.

I don’t recall if I’ve ever actually posted on of these daily infographic totals images, but this seems like a good time to show one:

Image from the wonderful –

Personnel is an estimated count of the wounded and killed, probably a little higher than reality (if that can ever be determined), but most experts agree that it’s not wildly inflated. And that daily increase number — 1610 in this case — is not a fluke; it rarely dips below 1200 these days. (Ukraine’s losses are generally considered to be one-third to one-half of the Russian numbers. By any metric, Ukraine has been amazing.)

But even before that 1000 day mark, the world slipped into the worse possible reality for Ukraine’s future. For some reason, a plurality of voting US citizens —not a majority — decided to elect venal and hate-filled village idiot instead of thoughtful and compassionate politician. I’m not even going to bother with the idiot’s name; I will call it “VI” if a direct reference is needed.

Were Kamala Harris to be have been elected, I think Ukraine would have largely been guaranteed an on-going and consistent, if not improved, measure of support from the US. Harris didn’t want to fully embrace the Biden legacy, but I think this is one area where she would have followed his lead. While there are things Joe Biden could have done differently, better or more quickly for Ukraine, he truly did a lot, and it’s possible that Ukraine would not have survived to 1000 days without his leadership.

Now it’s all a big question mark, with most signs pointing to a bad outcome. The idiot has long claimed to be a master at many things and have the ability to end the war in a single day. Obviously not a reality in any but the most feeble of minds. But the idiot can definitely set the stage for Ukraine’s failure.

Often the idiot and many of his political ilk have said the quickest way to end the war is to just give the captured areas of Ukraine — some even say a little more — to Putin and voila, the hostilities will all cease. This is the way to end a war, like killing yourself is the way to bring down those high grocery bills. Of course, Ukraine won’t go along with this, nor is it up to the US or any other western nation to tell them they have to surrender. But that’s not to say the idiot won’t do things to try and force this outcome:

  • Cutting off support. This is almost a given. No more money, no more weapons, no more support of any kind. The US accounts for about 50% of the overall weapons and ammunition that Ukraine has been using. The 100% they receive has allowed them to last these past 1000 days and even make some small gains here and there. With only 50% of the support coming in, it will also certainly be a losing situation.
  • Ending sanctions. This is kind of the other side of the coin. While supplying aid has bolstered Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russia and Russian interests has been dampening their ability to wage war. Blocking oil transactions saps Russia of needed funds, as does keeping them disconnected from key monetary tools. Restricting electronics and other materials hinders the ability to construct new weapons and maintain the ones they have. Russia has lost almost 1000 tanks, and the sanctions mean that only a handful of tanks can be produced each month to replace the losses. The entirety of Russian society is feeling the pinch. Remove those sanctions and you give Russia the means and spirit to fight on.
  • Personnel changes. This one gets overlooked a lot, but the first time VI was squatting in the Oval Office, it replaced a very competent ambassador with someone less so. (Not “bad,” but not as good.) Biden put someone who has been a strong supporter of Ukraine in the ambassador role, and I suspect that’s going to be counteracted fairly early on after the idiot is sworn in. Having the right people in the right places makes all the difference, and having the wrong person there can spell disaster. (You know, that sentence could apply to the US for the coming days, too.)

I’m glad that Biden has lifted one of the longest-held and least beneficial limits to Ukraine’s use of long-range missiles, and I really hope the fast-tracking and delivery of approved aid is largely completed before the idiot manages to screw things up. We can always hope for the best — and I do — but I’m pretty sure there will be dark days ahead in this worst of possible realities.

Site update

I’m sorry I haven’t updated things of late (like a month or so). It’s been a busy time with one of the outcomes of that busyness being that… we’re in Ukraine. Despite the State Department currently classifying Ukraine as “Level 4 – Do Not Travel,” we came anyway. Viktoria needed some paperwork updated, and since she’s not a great planner, it was going to be quicker to come here to do it rather than trying to get it done through the Ukrainian consulate in San Francisco. Weird, huh?

We’ve been here just shy of two weeks and things have been going well. We’re staying with family friends a few kilometers outside of Lviv (on the western side of the county, not that far from the Polish border). In addition to paperwork, Viktoria has been visiting assorted doctors and such — things she hates to do in the American medical system, because the process is very different. I’m doing my job as normal, except with some odd hours, so I partially overlap with my colleagues’ hours back home. Our host has been most gracious and has been helping Viktoria get around (there’s a larger town just a kilometer or so away, so many things she’s been able to do there); plus, he’s lived in the area most of his life and has connections that have helped speed things along. With a bit of luck, we’ll be heading home in a couple weeks.

Despite being away from the main areas of fighting, the war is not forgotten here and is very much on the forefront of people’s minds. Last weekend (appropriately, Memorial Day weekend) we visited a cemetery in Lviv which now has a section for local residents killed in the war. Most every city, town and village has their own war cemetery; we passed several during an outing. It was starting to rain, so I didn’t even make it half-way through the rows in Lviv. Based on the graves per row, there are probably at least 1500 soldiers buried here alone. We saw some people standing or sitting near a loved one’s grave, but there were also a lot of visitors who would just walk the central lane, looking at the soldiers buried there. It’s the high cost of freedom, and I think they just need to see it up close.

We’ve listened to some sirens too, warning of missiles. There was actually a siren test happening at the little border train station when our host picked us up. Welcome to Ukraine indeed. There have been a couple other, including one last night. I don’t think there have been any actual missiles in the area, but my access to the news has a language barrier. It is possible that we heard a missile over-flight last week. It sounded very much like a jet to me, but there’s not really any air traffic these days and Viktoria says it was way too fast to have been a jet. (She was in Mariupol during Russia’s initial incursions back in 2014-2015, so it’s likely she learned the difference.) Despite this, we’re still in a reasonably safe part of the country.

So, we’ve been here for about two weeks, and it actually took us about three weeks to get here. (Kind of a vacation, but a much longer travel story for another time.) And hopefully we’ll be leaving in another two weeks. That’s a full seven weeks of travel, making it the longest trip I’ve ever been on and the longest amount of time I’ve been away from our house. I’m definitely looking forward to getting back. But that’s largely why I haven’t been able to update things of late. I’ll have to do some catch-up posts when I get home.

Technically, there’s also something with the site that I haven’t been able to address. The certificate that secures the site — necessary for the HTTPS in the address bar, as well as the little lock that shows you that your communication with the site is secure — will be expiring soon, and unfortunately I don’t have the right information to get it renewed from here. The stuff I need is either on my home computer or, because I’m trying to make security-type requests from a foreign country, I’m just not able to provide the appropriate verification needed. As a result, future visits to the site might get a warning from your browser that my site is not secure. It should still be accessible, but there might be some hoops you’d have to jump through. Don’t worry about doing that if you don’t want to; once I get home, I’ll get everything back to normal. And I promise I won’t post any urgent, breaking-news articles until then, so you won’t be missing out. Just pop your head in now and then; you’ll know when things are a-OK again.

Update: With a bit of persistence and patience (things take longer to arrive here it seems), I was able to update my site certificate. So, there shouldn’t be any warning messages or issues with HTTPS.

2 years ago

This is not a post about the start of the (current) invasion of Ukraine. That milestone was hit over a month ago, on February 24th. This past week, two years ago, saw a couple more personal events — both of which were documented here, but it’s good not to forget.

The first is kind of a happy memory, although “happy” is somewhat relative. On March 22, 2022, Katya 2 and Vanya were able to get out of Mariupol and begin the journey (and process) that would eventually bring them to Vienna. It was nearly a full month after the attack and siege of Mariupol had begun, with the two of them living in the basement of their apartment building, sheltering with maybe a hundred other residents, usually in the cold and dark. Limited resources of any kind, especially after the Russians cut off power, water, internet service and blocked humanitarian shipments.

After a month of surviving such destitute conditions, they and a lot other people had had enough and figured that whatever might be waiting for them outside of Mariupol couldn’t be any worse. So Katya gathered up what she could — including, fortunately, some key documents and their family cat — and began walking west out of Mariupol. If I recall, they traveled about 12 miles on foot before getting to a local village where they were able to get some food and water, and connect with volunteers who could take them past the checkpoints and into Ukrainian-controlled territory. From there they were able to make their way to the border and eventually to Vienna, where a friend of Viktoria’s was able to offer some assistance (as well as the generosity of the Austrian government and people).

Since Katya and Zhenya broke up (distance and war would be trying on any relationship), I haven’t had contact with them, and not much news filters my way. But from the snippets I’ve heard, Katya and Vanya are still in Vienna and it sounds like they are managing quite well. I wish them continued success and, hopefully, happiness going forward.

Unfortunately the other event from two years ago is more somber. Although the date isn’t completely established, it is generally thought that March 24, 2022 is the date that Viktoria’s sister Inna was killed by Russian shelling. This happened near the basement entrance where Katya 2 and Vanya had been staying. Inna came and went frequently during the siege, alternating time between the family apartment block and the apartment block of her boyfriend. The date of her death is somewhat imprecise since, during that time, the removal of the dead didn’t always happen expediently.

Adding to the confusion was the fact that there was little way to contact or track her. Viktoria did try to get in touch with her, and at one point it looked like her cell was working. (Often, if one could get out of the city proper, it was possible to get a wifi connection from an outlying house or village.) However, no communication attempts got a response and after about a week or so, the cell phone no longer appeared to be active.

Viktoria also monitored online Russian/DNR sites where people were able to get some food assistance in return for providing name and/or passport information. There was a point around the time that Inna’s cell phone was working when Viktoria also found her name on one of the sites of people receiving aid. All this happened after March 24th; Viktoria was heartened by Katya and Vanya’s escape and was hoping the same could/would happen with Inna.

As it turned out, though, Inna’s “boyfriend” had sold her phone and passport (for drugs or alcohol, I’m guessing, based on what I’d previously heard about that person), so it was someone else activating the phone and using Inna’s identification to get food. The phrase “adding insult to injury” definitely applies here.

After the siege was over and the occupation of Mariupol began, Baba Katya was able to track down information about Inna, including where her body had been buried. That information included the approximate estimated date of death, which is how we have the date of March 24th. (The Russians, like the Nazis in WWII, seem to like keeping records.) Even if the 24th is not exactly the right date, we can be fairly sure that Inna was killed around this time, two years ago.

Inna’s gravesite in Manhush (Mangush in Russian), a town to the west of Mariupol where a number of mass graves were created.
Baba Katya arranged for the site dressing and cross.

Mariupol Video

I’d posted about “20 Days in Mariupol” last year, which is an award-winning documentary about the assault on Mariupol. Human Rights Watch has their own video out, which to me looks like a summary of the investigation that they’d done about Mariupol, in conjunction with a couple other organizations I hadn’t heard of. Some overlap of content, of course, but presented in a fairly concise and more “news program” type approach.

It’s only about 22 minutes long, so not as much of a time commitment as “20 Days” is. Some graphic content, as you would expect from eye witness accounts and video.

I did a little additional looking and this appears to be the main page for their reporting, from which the above video became a part/summary:
The page has some nice images of Mariupol before the war. Makes what happened all the worse.


I haven’t posted for a while because, well, life. I recall that I’d been planning to post something in early December, but that’s when Hamas attacked Israel and that just really grabbed focus. Whatever I was going to post would have seemed petty in comparison to those events. And then the holidays came along, followed by other stuff, and really it only seems like now I’m able to find a spare moment for an update.

Despite not posting, I have been staying up on things, of course, and one of the best “quick take” things I read on a daily basis is the daily “Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment” produced by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). On their daily report (click here for the report for Feb. 9, 2024) they include some “Key Takeaways,” which provide a great recap of events; the full report then delves into each of those post a bit more. I know I’ve posted these one other time, but I thought it was time for a re-up.

Here are the takeaways for February 9th:

  • The Russian online community noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not offer any new information in his interview with American media personality Tucker Carlson and simply repeated longstanding Kremlin talking points about Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine for American audiences.
  • Russian Security Council Deputy Chairperson Dmitry Medvedev noted that Putin told the Western world in the most thorough and detailed way why Ukraine did not exist, does not exist, and will not exist.
  • Delays in Western aid appear to be exacerbating Ukraine’s current artillery shortages and could impact Ukraine’s long-term war effort.
  • Newly appointed Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi identified several of his goals as commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  • Ukrainian actors reportedly conducted a successful drone strike against two oil refineries in Krasnodar Krai on February 9.
  • Ukrainian military officials reported that Russian forces are increasing their use of illegal chemical weapons in Ukraine, in an apparent violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), to which Russia is a signatory.
  • Bloomberg reported on February 9 that Ukraine is considering economic reforms in order to secure funding from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the event that the US Congress continues to block crucial aid.
  • Russian forces advanced near Kreminna, Bakhmut, and Avdiivka amid continued positional engagements along the frontline.
  • Russian paramilitary organization Novorossiya Aid Coordination Center (KCPN) is training drone operators in east (left) bank Kherson Oblast near Krynky.
  • Russian occupation authorities continue to prepare for the upcoming Russian presidential elections by creating the appearance of popular support for Russian Vladimir Putin in occupied areas of Ukraine.

Here’s an infographic that a few sites produce (this one from Euromaidan Press) of a daily tally of estimated Russian losses. These are numbers reported by the Ukrainian Army/Defence Department and as assumed to be on the high side. Other entities use different metrics to calculate losses, which are generally more “pessimistic” because they rely more on uniquely identifiable characteristics, which sometimes don’t exist. Reality is probably somewhere in-between, which I guess would be about 75% of the numbers shown here. (That is, if a loss of 100 is shown here, the reality is probably closer to 75.) Also, please note that personnel losses are both wounded and killed.

I was thinking that even if there’s not much to be reported (as I’ve noted before, I mostly focus on Mariupol), I could post the takeaways and the infographic every now and then. I know that not everyone follows the events in Ukraine as closely as I do, so maybe it would be a handy way to help keep up, especially when there’s not that much in local or national news these days.

20 Days in Mariupol

I waited until after Thanksgiving to post this because it’s a hard thing to watch. Recently — last week — Frontline on PBS showed a film about, as the title explains, 20 days in Mariupol. It was taken right at the beginning of the invasion. It shows a lot of what was going in those initial days — the panic and fear, the uncertainty about was happening or going to happen, and a lot of destruction and pain.

It’s definitely something people should see, but it also the sort of thing that I can’t show to Viktoria. She’s slowly getting to a better emotional state — although she still frequent curses Putin and/or the Russians and wishes them dead — and this film would be a huge trigger for her. But everyone else should see it.

Here’s a link to the trailer, to give you a sense of what’s there: And here’s the link to the full presentation:
20 Days in Mariupol (

An AP team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting atrocities of the Russian invasion. As the only international reporters who remain in the city, they capture what later become defining images of the war: dying children, mass graves, the bombing of a maternity hospital, and more.

10 years

Quite the jump from my previous post, “600 days,” right? But I’m noting a slightly different anniversary. We’ve just passed the 10th anniversary of the protests/demonstrations that took place in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (“Independence Square”) in Kyiv that could be considered the start of all this. The demonstrations never ended and became the catalyst of the “Euromaidan” revolution. That revolution lead to the ousting of then-President and Kremlin puppet Viktor Yanukovych, the Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea, the Russian support of separatist proxies in Luhansk and Donetsk (during which time Mariupol was first attacked with rockets), and ultimately, the full-force invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

I was in Kyiv around the time all this started. I wasn’t there for the first few days of the protests — they started on the 21st, and I think I arrived the 24th or 25th — but I remember walking through and around the Maidan area in those following days. (I was staying in an apartment just down Khreshchatyk Street, a nice place that provided bath slippers with their logo embroidered on.) Even fairly late at night there would be people in some sort of assembly area making speeches to virtually no one. I walked passed busses with police in riot gear parked just down the side streets near the square. I recall that it was too bad those people had to just sit in the busses for so long in that cold weather.

600 Days

There hasn’t really been anything to write about for a while. The war goes on, now passing 600 days. I remember thinking/hoping back in the early days that fighting would only last a handful of months, a peace treaty would be hammered out, and life in Ukraine could begin resuming some version of normalcy again. Instead, we’re starting to see the two year mark, with some pundits saying peace won’t be seen until late 2024 or sometime in 2025.

There continues to be slow progress by Ukraine in breaking through Russian fortifications in the south, and Ukraine continues to push back Russian attacks in the east. I won’t bore you with a lot of details; if you want to see some of those details, sites like the Institute for the Study of War produces daily reports and maps showing all the movements (like this).

I will note something from the last day that gives me hope. The other day, Ukraine used their newly-received ATACMS missiles to strike the airfield the Russians set up in Berdyansk, destroying nine helicopters, along with ground equipment and ammunition. I’ve been to Berdyansk twice; it was a place that Viktoria took us on one of our first dates. I’m looking forward to seeing it liberated almost as much as I’m looking forward to Mariupol’s liberation. This strike at a city well back from the front lines means that Ukraine is getting the tools it needs to really disrupt Russia’s war-making capabilities. (In general, Ukraine has made very productive use of all the arms and equipment they’ve been given; they just need more.)

A plaza and fountain in Berdyansk

(A picture of Berdyansk from my and Viktoria’s first trip there together. We had lunch at one of the cafes here.)

An update

Just a quick follow-up to my last post: Rodion‘s summer camp is over and he has safely returned home. I’m not sure where the information about the camp being in Crimea had come from (it may have been a misunderstanding or miscommunication somewhere along the line), but he had actually gone to a place over/down by Krasnodar. Better, since it was away from the fighting, but also potentially worse, because it was in Russia proper as opposed to an occupied area. Also, since the trip and camp appear to have been sponsored by a Greek historical group (Mariupol has/had a strong Greek heritage), maybe Krasnodar was a more cost-effective choice.

Whatever the specifics, he’s gone and back now. It sounds like he enjoyed parts of it, but definitely not everything. Breakfasts were creamed wheat (remember Malt-O-Meal?), which he does not like at all. The “fun” was very regimented — he told Viktoria it was like being in North Korea. Like many things in Russia that aren’t Moscow or St. Petersburg, things were generally run-down and not always in working order; for example, the bus bringing him back home broke down four times on the way. He said nights were cold in the camp quarters. Still, he went with a friend and sent a couple videos where he seemed to be having some fun, so I don’t think it was all bad. But he’s back home now and getting ready for school. Given Russia’s penchant for abducting Ukrainian children (Russians stealing children to destroy next generation of Ukrainian defenders – UK ambassador (, I think things turned out as well as they could.

One more quick note: this active part of the Russia’s war against Ukraine has now be going on for 555 days. Russia’s overall actions against Ukraine have been going on for over 9 years — perhaps longer, if you count Russia’s efforts to undermine Ukrainian independence since their breakaway in 1991. I continue to hope that Ukraine’s incremental gains will start to snowball and finally push Russian forces out of their country completely.

Apparently, in the past week or so there’s been an uptick in the number of mentions in Russian of a negotiated settlement to the conflict. I don’t have an article handy that I can point to, but observers see this as perhaps tacit acknowledgement that Russia knows it has a losing hand and it trying to freeze things where they are now (i.e., keep what they’ve got and stop trying for more). For well over a year Ukraine’s position has been “leave the country and then we’ll talk,” so I doubt there’s any peace treaty coming soon. I generally agree with that position. It’s as if bank robbers broke into a bank, took hostages and started cleaning out the vault, only to be confronted by a substantial number of security guards. At that point, sure it’s in the best interests of the robbers to take what they’ve already gotten and leave, but they’re the only ones who get anything. Between the Russian robbers and Ukrainian security guards, I’m going to continue to side with the latter.