Q and A

The BBC has an article up wherein some of their correspondents respond to questions they’ve received. It’s not too long and covers some of the situational questions and rumors. A good recap as the war closes in on 100 days. – Ukraine war: Your questions on the conflict answered

Of course the biggest question — which isn’t in the BBC article — is what’s the endgame? Someone’s comment on this DailyKos post (https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2101601) caught my eye. The commentator was apparently on a Common Cause Zoom call (I looked, but couldn’t find anything on their website) where a retired US general was doing some Q and A. The general apparently thinks that:

  • the war will run for about a year, with Ukraine being the ultimate victor;
  • Putin will be pushed out in that one-year time frame, because coups (or whatever will happen) take some time to plan, and;
  • Russia will get another authoritarian ruler from that, just one not as bad as Putin.

Seems like a reasonable assessment, but we just won’t know until it’s over.