Gone today

Yesterday, and somewhat the day before, there was a lot of news about Mariupol. Not only was the bombing of the maternity hospital covered, but so was the general situation. You know — the situation where a city of 400,000 people is being strangled and killed before the world’s eyes? That. All over the news — or at least getting mentioned, with humanitarian corridors being shelled and people not being able to escape the city — but today there’s be virtually nothing.

There was an announcement late last night about corridors again being agreed to for the various besieged cities, and I saw a bullet point somewhere about a supply convoy leaving Zaporozhia again today. Then nothing. The only follow up I’ve seen to any of that was a comment on CNN about Mariupol being “under ‘increasing pressure.'” Well, duh.

Did any sort of evacuation happen today? Was there shelling along the announced corridor? Did any of the convoy trucks get through? Sure, the answer is probably no, but I’d rather have confirmation of that instead of just making assumptions. I know it’s not that things magically got better and there’s nothing to report. Disasters don’t just go away when you stop looking that them; that’s usually when the worst disaster will happen.

I said it on my “Just Once” post, but I’ll say it again: Just once, I would really love to hear good, positive news about the situation in Mariupol. How about, “Ukrainian Army Secures Humanitarian Route to Mariupol?” How about, “Artillery Bombarding Mariupol Destroyed by Precision Attacks?” How about anything that would give people hope about the situation in Viktoria’s hometown?

Don’t just disappear the city. The people trying to survive there deserve better.

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