A brief pause

Sorry for the lack of updates; there’s always plenty going on, but I managed to do something to my shoulder a couple days ago, which is making sitting and writing at the computer a bit difficult. So expect some gaps in my posts. Sorry about that.

I’ll definitely keep you informed of any family updates or movements since that’s the overarching purpose of this blog at the moment. There’s been nothing to report on that front; bureaucracies move slowly. And you’ve probably heard the latest big news out of Mariupol — that all the women, children and elderly that had been sheltered at Azovstal have been evacuated (Ukraine war: Civilians now out of Azovstal plant in Mariupol – BBC).

Here are a couple things that caught my eye over the past few days:

2 thoughts on “A brief pause

  1. So sorry about your shoulder. Hope it heals soon. Thanks for your hard work with these posts. It is very much appreciated.

  2. I hope your shoulder is ok. What happened? Thank you for the continued updates. I continue to keep you and Viktoria in my heart and prayers.

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