A look inside

I’d mentioned the other day that Katya 2’s parents (Nellie and Anatoly) had gone to Mariupol to get things from Katya’s old apartment. At the time, they’d tried to get into Zhenya’s apartment as well, but couldn’t because of the rubble. I don’t know if they stayed in Mariupol or if they returned, but they were able to get into Zhenya’s apartment on this second visit and we have this video from the inside:

As you can see, between the shelling/bombing and fires, there’s really nothing left. (There could very well have been some looting as well.) I don’t have all the details as yet; Viktoria will be talking to Katya later and will get some more information. For example, we’d sent Zhenya a small safe a couple years ago, and we don’t know what happened to that. Viktoria relayed that it “burned down,” but that doesn’t completely make sense, so hopefully there will be some details.

It’s also rather interesting how Nellie and Anatoly got into Zhenya’s apartment. It wasn’t through the front door because the stairwell rubble had been cleared. No, they actually came from an adjoining apartment — the apartment next to Viktoria’s mother’s apartment — because the walls had been knocked down.

Unfortunately, this video pretty much ends any hope that Viktoria’s family items had survived the Russian invasion. I’d noted previously that after Viktoria’s mother’s passing, Zhenya had taken possession of several family items — photo albums, knickknacks jewelry and some things of significance. It would seem that all those are gone now — destroyed or stolen. Naturally, Viktoria is quite heart-broken by all this.

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