Short notes

I’ve seen a couple notes about it but no real confirmation. An aide to the mayor of Mariupol has said that some citizens are being taken to Russia — presumably or apparently not by choice. When they arrive any Ukrainian documentation they have is taken and destroyed. Waiting to see this in more authoritative sources. (If this is happening, it’s probably the citizens of the eastern parts of the city. The fighting has only recently come to the center of the city, when family and friends were located.)

I’ve seen it opined in a couple places: the Russians need to take Mariupol. They need it so they can conceal the extent of their war crimes. This need wouldn’t exist if they hadn’t started committing war crimes in the first place.

It’s almost as if this siege of Mariupol was specifically designed to hurt Viktoria. First, her family and friends are trapped in the city. Then they’re cut off from the outside world, so V can’t keep track of their status or help direct their outcome. Then the Russians start destroying the city she’s known best for the bulk of her life. And for the past couple days there have been reports of the fighting and destruction of the Azovstal steel mill, where V was employed for 30 years, her one and only job. Seriously, the Russians couldn’t come up with a better script.

I’m always pleased to hear about how well the Ukrainian forces are doing. Tank columns destroyed, Russian forces pushed back, towns and settlements recaptured — all wonderful accomplishments. I also like hearing about the social and financial pressures being put on Russia as a whole. While there are times when I feel badly for the common people for the suffering they will have because of the sanctions, the fact that 70% of people polled support Putin’s war does tend to evaporate such sympathies. I learned critical thinking in grade school, and I have little sympathy for people who don’t educate themselves, especially if they keep hearing only one side of an issue from all their media sources. There are always multiple sides to anything, even the most obvious thing. (People are people, and some of them be contrary.)

Just give Ukraine the MiGs! They are for defense and that’s how they can be expected to be used! Sure, they could be used to go on the offense, but so can Stingers and other “defensive ordinance” that the US has no problem giving to Ukraine. If we aren’t going to help Ukraine close their skies, then at least we shouldn’t stand in the way of them improving their air superiority — and maybe making those numerous bombing raids against Mariupol far more costly to the Russians.