Ugh, depressing

If you’re already bummed out by what I’ve been writing about Mariupol, you should probably skip the video below. It’s from a couple days ago, when the situation was already dire, so you can bet it’s only gotten worse since. It’s an ITV news crew bugging out after electricity was lost in the city. Sorry, but felt I should share.

If you want to do something that feels positive (even if it won’t actually help), consider writing to your senators and representatives. In the past couple days, Viktoria has asked me to write them about the move to set up a no-fly zone over Ukraine, and the need/urgency to create “green corridors” for people to exit Mariupol. The US has already stated its position on the former and not really involved in the latter, and there’s limited things that reps and senators can do on or to influence the world stage, but letting someone in a leadership role know how you feel feels good. And maybe it will help in some way. It only takes a few minutes.