Shelling in Mariupol

Once again the eastern part of the city is being shelled by the Russian and Russian-wannabes who say they are fighting for their country.  At present, 15 people are dead, 76 wounded.

These rebels and Russian are without honor.  For months they have been decrying any supposed violation of the peace plan by the Ukrainian army, while they position rockets and artillery in civilian areas.  They use women, children and the elderly as human shields, and whenever casualties occur because the Ukrainian army fires back, the results are plastered all over Russian media as “proof” that the government in Kiev is hell-bent on destroying their own people.  Conveniently missing are all the provocations by the Russians themselves.

Now, discontent with merely shelling the villages surrounding Mariupol (and, I have read, ordering the civilian population to leave so that they may take over the houses for bases of operation), they have decided to attack Mariupol.

I did not want to see Ukraine become the newest Afghanistan, but I’m not sure that can be avoided.  If, as the rebel “leader” has stated, they have no plans for diplomacy and no intent to honor any treaties, then really the only option left is lethal military aid to the Ukrainian government.  I really don’t want that to happen, but I also don’t want to see my wife, her family, her friends or any of the innocent people in that country fall victim to the machinations of the Russian government and the petty ambitions of their Ukrainian lackeys.

UPDATE:  The death toll of this current attack now stands at 21.  86 wounded.  Not an update, the “DPR” — “People’s Republic of Donetsk” — is still not representing the people, still not a republic, still only a collection of cowards and criminals with guns.

UPDATE: Refreshed the page again — 27 dead, 97 wounded.