I’ll believe it when I see it…

Today a truce and cease-fire was announced.  While I welcome this and hope it holds true, recent history with the rebels gives me some doubt.

Previously, the rebels have used cease-fires and other attempts at resolution to  further their own violent goals.  A previous unilateral cease-fire implemented by Ukraine saw no cessation in rebel activity; in fact, during that period they caused the largest single loss to the Ukrainian army to that point (the downing of a military transport, killing 59 people).  More recently, Ukrainian troops exiting an encircled city via a rebel-created humanitarian corridor were fired upon by the rebels.  And just a week or so ago, a transport truck flying white flags and having the word “children” painted on the sides pulled up to a Ukrainian checkpoint and opened fire on the soldiers there.  (In case you were wondering, no, it wasn’t “children” doing the shooting.)

Time and again, the rebels have shown themselves to be untrustworthy, so I am dubious of how well this truce and cease-fire will work.  Moreover, it probably doesn’t address the issue of Russian forces in the country (because, according to Russia, there aren’t any).  I know that Poroshenko wants a peaceful and diplomatic solution, but if your opponent is without honor, how can you come to an honorable accord?  (Also, I sometimes feel that Poroshenko is yielding too much in some instances.  I’m not saying he shouldn’t compromise, but there should still be limits.)

Again, I’m hoping for the best, but given recent history, I’m waiting to see concrete steps before I put any faith into it.