I waited until after Thanksgiving to post this because it’s a hard thing to watch. Recently — last week — Frontline on PBS showed a film about, as the title explains, 20 days in Mariupol. It was taken right at the beginning of the invasion. It shows a lot of what was going in those initial days — the panic and fear, the uncertainty about was happening or going to happen, and a lot of destruction and pain.
It’s definitely something people should see, but it also the sort of thing that I can’t show to Viktoria. She’s slowly getting to a better emotional state — although she still frequent curses Putin and/or the Russians and wishes them dead — and this film would be a huge trigger for her. But everyone else should see it.
Here’s a link to the trailer, to give you a sense of what’s there: https://www.pbs.org/video/20-days-in-mariupol-trailer/. And here’s the link to the full presentation:
20 Days in Mariupol (https://www.pbs.org/video/20-days-in-mariupol-x62itb/)

WOW! That is truly tragic, and yet, as you said, should be watched.
Much love to all of you!!